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Please Protect Your Personal Property!

At Hodge and Hodge Insurance, we do our best to make sure you are adequately prepared in the event of a small loss or a major catastrophe. Towards that end we have created the video below to help you document your personal property.

An Easy Solution: Take a Video Inventory.

In the best of times it would be difficult for most of us to list all our belongings. After a fire, major water damage, or burglary you will be feeling distressed. It is not a good time to sit down and try to write-out a complete list of all the valuables you have lost. One of the best things you can do to protect yourself is to keep an itemized list compiled beforehand. There are all kinds of computer programs for this. Of course it is good to keep descriptions, receipts and serial numbers on all your appliances and theft-prone items. But let's get real here—how many of us are going to do that? And if we do fill out a list on the computer, are we going to update it regularly and are we going to remember to store it somewhere other than our home and on our computer in case the computer is stolen? I'm sure there are a few people this organized, but I haven't met many.

One of the easiest tools you can use to prepare yourself is a digital camera. Simply start at one corner of each room and work you way around every room of your home. Open the closets along the way, pull out the drawers and zoom in on silverware, china and any other high-ticket items to get the manufacturer. Many of the latest digital cameras (& cellphones) will take videos. We suggest you do a video sweep of each room and then take still photos of individual items or groups of items. Then download the photos & video onto a CD and take it to your work, leave it at a friend's—or send it to us. Hodge and Hodge Insurance has a dedicated box to store your Personal Property Inventory CD, and we are happy to help keep your assets safe. We’re all about helping reduce your risk as much as possible and ease your claim reporting during what is sure to be a stressful time.

Is your Home Over or Under Insured?

No one wants to pay for more coverage than absolutely necessary when it comes to Homeowners Insurance—but if you have a loss, the last thing you want is to find out that you do not have enough coverage. Many homeowners are unclear as to what coverage they should have. This is where an experienced insurance professional comes in. If you ever need your Insurance—the last thing you want, is to find out you don't have enough coverage!

Please, if you have any questions or need to have any terms or coverages clarified—give us a call (949-458-0442) at Hodge and Hodge Insurance we want you to have the full protection you deserve!